TASM Notes 014

Fri Apr 5, 2024

Pre-Meeting Chatting/News Update

Missed most of this today unfortunately. Although, as always, Zvi's Update is worth a read. Also, this paper is mentioned. Also, also, some long-time slack members have made it out to the actual meetup. Finally, none of us put much stock in the brand of AI apologia flavored "Don't worry; AI won't take away any jobs, it'll just create them".

AI Safety Via Debate

We're discussing this paper, presented by one of the authors.

The basic problem we have with LLMs is that they're not reliable. That is, even though they know lots of things, you can't rely on every response they give you. So they're really useful for

However, as models become more powerful, the amount of knowledge they have will exceed the amount of knowledge humans have. For instance, we might want them to go do some novel scientific research. At that point, we won't be able to check their answers easily. We're shortly going to get to the point where unless you're a human domain expert, you won't be able to validate any such response an LLM gives you.

A current solution RLHF; you depend on an existing infrastructure of human experts who can evaluate what the model emits and give yay/nay feedback on it. The problem is it really doesn't scale past human experts.

Idea! Let two models debate the answer. The relevant claim here is: it's easier for a human to judge the result of such a debate than it is for them to check the response from an LLM about a high-expertise-requiring domain. The original paper on this idea is AI Safety via Debate

Question from the audience: Given the strict debate format, wouldn't you basically need to be an expert judge to evaluate the result?

So, yes. You might need to have some expertise in order to judge the outcome of a debate, and you might need to know rather a lot about debating. BUT. There are some strategies to mitigate this, and also, if the goal is "get more frontier science done", it might be worth it anyway.

Previous work involved a lot of formal rules in debates (see that early paper link). The problem is that this lead to various cheese tactics that led to fairly reliable wins or draws by people on the "wrong side" of a debate.

Currently, this isn't actually more effective than RLHF. You wouldn't need to do this with GPT4, both because it's not good at debate, and because its responses aren't far enough beyond you for it to be worth it. You'd really want to use this for superhuman models, because RLHF doesn't scale that hard.

A more recent update involves teaching Claude to debate. One current limitation is that we really only train models with "known answer" debates. That is, debates are about some question we know the answer to. This has some complications, because it's possible that the current regime is encouraging convincingness rather than honesty.

Important questions

Question from the audience: instead of focusing on a debate between a "true" fact and "false" fact, can we do a thing where a model is arguing for a position and the opponent is supposed to just poke holes in it?

Isn't collusion a pretty big problem?

Kind of. If your models are already situationally aware, you're pretty screwed.

Can you incentivize the models to be really thorough? Like, ensure that they don't hold back information that would be damaging to their case?

You can kind of incentivize this through the judges' scores, and the debate protocol itself rather than a deliberate, additional training effort.

LLM Experiments

Extra notes on the quotes: the quotes were correlated to the story. So, if a model quoted the story directly, it would be highlighted in green, whereas if a model claimed that something is a quote but isn't it would be highlighted in yellow. The questions for this set were constranied such that you needed a fair bit of context from the story in order to answer it (to avoid questions that could be settled by a known originating-from-the-story quote). Also, we're discounting getting Eulered, so the judge is instructed to accept answers only when they've been decisively convinced. An "I guess I'll go along because I don't know enough to question it" translates to "not convinced".

Experimental results

There's some fairly involved graphs here. Bar chart sets that show accurate results of Naive, Consultancy, Debate and Interactive Debate, along with an "Expert" bar ("Expert" is the name for the situation where the judge is shown the question and the full story). The groups each represent different judges, all of which are judging two GPT4 debaters. The judges are Llama2, GPT4, GPT3.5, GPT4Turbo, Claude and Human. It was an expanded version of this:

We saw an expanded vesion of this

The interesting results are

This is accurate to the slides

More graphs! Just highlights this time

Important next research project: do a bunch of this stuff with helpful-only models. (The question to resolve here: Are their deceptive abilities nerfed by harmlessness training or does this approach genuinely make accuracy easier to argue with).

More important next research project: do a bunch of this stuff but on larger, real-world applicable debates. One interesting question here is "Once you have the full internet to quote from, does the property of it getting relatively harder to argue for the inaccurate side of the debate hold?"

Key Result From The Experiment - As the debaters get more skilled, their self-play debates end up more frequently convincing the judge of hte accurate answer. Also, anything below the level of GPT4 can't be an accurate judge, basically at all.

Yet more graphs! Again, accurate to the slides.

Even more graphs! Still only highlights


The results so far are encouraging but preliminary. There's more ongoing research at Anthropic, GDM and OpenAI. We may be able to implement a full debate protocol "soon". Expected to be more useful in early-AGI regime, unclear if it'll work for superintelligences.

Anthropic is intending to publish more in this space, but it doesn't seem like this is something that is strategically being kept quiet in the interest of keeping capabilities advancements down, they just haven't gotten around to publishing yet.

The threat model where a debater is trained and gets into production with the intention of throwing a debate at a critical moment is still plausible, and an open question for further research.

The Pub

And then we went off to a well-earned pub evening where we took up a bunch of the open questions from above with gusto. If that sounds interesting, join us next time.

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