TASM Notes, May 16th, 2024

Sun May 26, 2024

Pre-Meeting Chatting

There are a bunch of upcoming events!

The News

GPT-4o has been released! It's not GPT-5. Still has roughly GPT4-level reasoning, but can go faster, better, cheaper. Which is... pretty awesome? At this point we de-rail by poking at our OpenAI apps and making gratuitous Her) comparisons for a few minutes. Nothing listed in the demos about music, even though I kinda want to see Fooming Shoggoths album #2.

Illya Sutskever and Jan Leike have left the superalignment team at OpenAI. This is sad and worrying.

There's an Ontario law regarding public sector use of AI. At the high level, if you're interacting with an AI in a public sector system, you need to be told that, and there must be human oversight of AI-made decisions, and deployers need to follow the OTAIF (there was an AIGS article written about this; link coming once it gets published).

The Carbon Emissions of Writing and Illustrating Are Lower for AI than for Humans

The Talk - Secure, Governable Chips

An Anecdote

John Deere and the Ukraine War: In February 2022, Russian forces took control of Melitopol, a Ukranian grain producing city? They shipped a bunch of gear and grain back to Russia, and then found that the tractors were remotely disabled by John Deere. I am very curious what Louis Rossmann's take on this would be.

This points to a potential use of "trusted computing" style systems in AI governance.

Legally, these are already in place; the US has export control surrounding AI tech (and GPUs in particular). The US, the Netherlands, Taiwan and South Korea are the main owners of the GPU supply chain right now, so it's possible to enforce this on US adversaries. The disadvantage here is that China's extensive civil-military fusion and use of shell entities help them evade export controls. Chip smuggling. The rules have workarounds too; cloud computing is still an option, and companies can stockpile current frontier cards in order to guard against the possibility of new or expanded export controls.

A More Surgical Approach

By ensuring chips are designed with certain safeguards in place, we can get more surgical about usage restriction than export controls.

Restriction Option 1: Operation Licensing

Restriction Option 2: Usage Limitations

Verification Option 1: Location Verification

Verification Option 2: Usage Verification

Verification vs Monitoring

The idea here is, we'd like to sell chips to people and not let them do "bad things", but still let them do "good things".

At this point, we have a ~15 minute, high-level intro to the fundamentals of cryptographic hash functions and public key cryptography.

Secure Boot

This is in service of discussing secure boot. This prevents authorized firmware, operating system or other software from running on a device to ensure that the chip will run only manufacturer-approved software. As a Linux user, I have strong, negative opinions of this strategy. I'm kind of curious to hear Stallman's take on this too, although I can probably imagine some of it.

Remote Attestation

Security Modules

Trusted Execution Environments

Challenge 1: Privacy, Surveillance and Cybersecurity

Challenge 2: Threat Models


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The menu background image is Jewel Wash, taken from Dan Zen's flickr stream and released under a CC-BY license