
Sat Jun 9, 2012

This is something I've been thinking about a bit lately. Actually, I guess "thinking about" is the wrong turn of phrase, since I haven't so much been thinking about as building one. I'll be "thinking about" public-key auth and OpenId next, hopefully, but the first thing I want to put together is an old-style password-based authentication system.

Oh, yeah. And do it properly.

Which means no Dev 101-level mistakes like storing plaintext passwords, or being subject to injection attacks, or putting up with login hammering, or leaving off the salt. That's a slight increase in challenge from just "set up a user system".

The trivial gen_server-based user system looks something like


-export([start/0, stop/0]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
         terminate/2, code_change/3]).

-record(user,{timestamp, username, password}).

register(Username, Password) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {register, Username, NewPassword}).

auth(Username, Password) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {auth, Username, Password}).

change_password(Username, NewPassword) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {change_pass, Username, NewPassword}).

exists_p(Username) ->
        error:_ -> false

handle_call({register, Username, Password}, _From, State) ->
    Res = case exists_p(Username) of
              false -> User = #user{username=Username, password=Password, timestamp=now()},
                       transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User) end);
              _ -> already_exists
    {reply, Res, State};
handle_call({auth, Username, Password}, _From, State) ->
        [User] = do(qlc:q([X || X <- mnesia:table(user),
                                X#user.username =:= Name,
                                X#user.password =:= Password])),
        {reply, User, State}
        error:_ -> {reply, false, State}
handle_call({change_pass, Username, NewPassword}, _From, State) ->
    Rec = find(Username),
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(Rec#user{password=NewPassword}) end), State}.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% database utility
find(Name) ->
    [Rec] = db:do(qlc:q([X || X <- mnesia:table(user), X#user.username =:= Name])),

do(Q) -> transaction(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end).

transaction(F) ->
    {atomic, Val} = mnesia:transaction(F),

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% generic actions
start() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gen_server handlers
init([]) -> {ok, []}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, State) -> State ! {self(), close}, ok.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.
1> mnesia:create_schema([node()]).
2> mnesia:start().
3> rd(user,{username, password, timestamp}).
4> mnesia:create_table(user, [{type, ordered_set}, {disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, user)}]).
5> trivial_user:start().
6> trivial_user:register("Inaimathi", "password").
7> trivial_user:auth("Inaimathi", "password").
#user{username = "Inaimathi",password = "password",
      timestamp = {1339,96410,156774}}

In pseudocode it's

def register(username, password):
    store(username, password, timestamp())

def auth(username, entered_password):
    if user = find(username) and user.password == entered_password:

def change_pass(username, new_password):
    store(find(username).password = new_password)

But that hits most of the rookie mistakes I listed above plus a few more. Incidentally, I will murder you if you use this in production and I find out about it. It doesn't hash or salt passwords, it doesn't rate-limit the auth message, it does get around injection attacks purely through the virtue of being implemented in a symbolic db system, but that probably shouldn't count since it's a consequence of the tools rather than the system itself.

Lets work backwards through the pattern, and see how to arrive at a proper-ish user and authentication system. Firstly, it's important that a potential attacker can't just try 10000 passwords per second. Because if they can, and any of your users use common passwords, then it really doesn't matter how well you store them. You can do something naive, like introducing a return delay when an incorrect password is tried.

handle_call({auth, Username, Password}, _From, State) ->
        [User] = do(qlc:q([X || X <- mnesia:table(user),
                                X#user.username =:= Username,
                                X#user.password =:= Password])),
        {reply, User, State}
        error:_ -> timer:sleep(2000),
                   {reply, false, State}

But that blocks. In other words, whenever anyone enters their password incorrectly, everyone waits for two seconds to interact with the user process. Which, shall we say, doesn't scale. Granted, not doing it this way opens up the possibility that someone could just try 10000 parallel requests for a password, but that seems like a lesser evil than making it ridiculously easy to DOS the system.

There are two essential ways of "solving" this problem

Given the language I'm working with, that first one looks like it'd fit better. In other words, we remove the auth handler from trivial_user:handle_call/3

handle_call({register, Username, Password}, _From, State) ->
    User = #user{username=Username, password=Password, timestamp=now()},
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User) end), State};
handle_call({change_pass, Username, NewPassword}, _From, State) ->
    Rec = find(Username),
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(Rec#user{password=NewPassword}) end), State}.

and have trivial_user:auth/2 handle the password checking itself in a child process

auth(Username, Password) ->
    Pid = self(),
    Auth = fun() -> User = find(UserName),
                    true = Password =:= User#user.password,
                    Pid ! User
    AuthProc = spawn(Auth),
        Res -> exit(AuthProc, thank_you),
    after 2000 ->

Do note the use of offensive programming in the Auth function. We don't do any kind of cleanup if the password is incorrect, just let AuthProc die a horrible, error-induced death and move on with our lives. We do stop waiting for it after two seconds, which is incidentally the delay we wanted to introduce for a wrong entry. Instead of being able to naively try 10000 passwords per second, our theoretical attackers can now try one every ~2, which should make this auth process a slightly harder target.

EDIT: It's been pointed out to me that using SHA2 is a pretty bad approach here. I was initially going to tear this article apart for an edit (which is why it took so long), but ultimately decided to handle it in an addendum. The below is here for historical interest only; kids, use specialized password-storing hash algorithms and stay in school.

Fri, 16 Nov, 2012

Next up, we're still storing user passwords as plaintext, which is less than ideal. That means that anyone who succeeds in getting at our data somehow can suddenly impersonate anyone in the system flawlessly. That's why we have to hash them. Now, there are hashing libraries in Erlang, including the built-in crypto parts of which we'll be using, but.

  1. Hash functions are tricky to pick, even before you get into cryptographic hash functions. In fact, there are a couple of widely-used ones1 that have been subject to successful attacks. Given that, I'm leaning towards the [SHA-2 algorithms]( which, as of this writing, have not been successfully broken. DO NOT read that as "I should use SHA256 from now on". Read it instead as "Before deciding on a hash function, I should check which ones are difficult to break at the time I'm making the decision". That complicates things somewhat, because Erlang's crypto only supports MD5 and SHA-1, installing the Erlang SHA256 library seems to be more than trivially difficult.
  1. Cryptographic functions are tricky to implement. By all means, try to as a learning experience, but there are non-obvious attacks that you can leave your implementation open to, even if you do put everything together properly. The rule is "do NOT roll your own". By extension, "do NOT use a crypto library written by someone merely as smart as you", and "do NOT use a crypto library that hasn't been extensively battle tested". In fact, this is the one place where I'd say going with the herd is the right thing to do2.

So, for those borderline-excuse reasons (and also because I want to show how to do it), we'll be using Python's hashlib with erlport. It sounds scary, but it is trivial. Once you install erlport3, you just kind of...


-export([start/0, stop/0]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
         terminate/2, code_change/3]).


encode(String) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {encode, String}).

handle_call({'EXIT', _Port, Reason}, _From, _State) ->
    exit({port_terminated, Reason});
handle_call(Message, _From, Port) ->
    port_command(Port, term_to_binary(Message)),
        {State, {data, Data}} ->
            {reply, binary_to_term(Data), State}
    after 6000 ->

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% generic actions
start() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gen_server handlers
init([]) -> {ok, open_port({spawn, "python -u"}, [{packet, 4}, binary, use_stdio])}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, State) -> State ! {self(), close}, ok.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.
from erlport import Port, Protocol, String
import hashlib

class Sha256Protocol(Protocol):
    def handle_encode(self, message):
        return hashlib.sha256(unicode(message)).hexdigest()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Sha256Protocol().run(Port(packet=4, use_stdio=True))

Incidentally, you probably see why I decided to write myself a quickie templating library for Erlang modules. Not to bust out the SLW here, but in Lisp, I would handle the same problem with one defmacro, and thereafter be calling the resulting

(define-gen-server handle-call &key
  (start (gen-server:start-link `(local ,*module*) *module nil nil))
  (stop ...)

But hey, relying on your editor to do shit that should be handled in the language seems to be serving ~67% of the programming world just fine, so whatever the fuck.


What you see above is the trivial string hashing implementation. Writing it took me somewhat less effort than learning how to use rebar4, and I now get to call sha256:encode("Something something"). with reasonable confidence that a very large number of people smarter than me have failed to find errors in the code doing the work for me. Now that we've got that, we need to modify two things in the trivial_user module. First, we need to store the hashed password, both when registering and changing


handle_call({register, Username, Password}, _From, State) ->
    false = exists_p(Username),
    User = #user{username=Username, password=sha256:encode(Password), timestamp=now()},
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User) end), State};
handle_call({change_pass, Username, NewPassword}, _From, State) ->
    User = find(Username),
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User#user{password=sha256:encode(NewPassword)}) end), State}.


And second, when authenticating, we need to hash the input before comparing a password with what we've got stored


auth(Username, Password) ->
    Pid = self(),
    Auth = fun() -> User = find(UserName),
                    true = sha256(Password) =:= User#user.password,
                    Pid ! User
    AuthProc = spawn(Auth),
        Res -> exit(AuthProc, thank_you),
    after 2000 ->


There. Now, if some ne'er-do-well manages to get a hold of our password database somehow, he won't be looking at

[{"John Douchebag",      "P@ssword123"},
 {"Jane Douchebag",      "P@ssword123"},
 {"Dave Foobar",         "P@ssword123"},
 {"Alex Nutsack",        "P@ssword231"},
 {"Brian Skidmore",      "P@ssword123"},
 {"Rose Cox",            "P@ssword123"},
 {"Barbara Lastname",    "P@ssword123"},
 {"Dora Smartass",       "correcthorsebatterystaple"}

he'll instead be looking at

[{"John Douchebag",      "62a39df87b501ad40b6fc145820756ccedcab952c64626968e83ccbae5beae63"},
 {"Jane Douchebag",      "62a39df87b501ad40b6fc145820756ccedcab952c64626968e83ccbae5beae63"},
 {"Dave Foobar",         "62a39df87b501ad40b6fc145820756ccedcab952c64626968e83ccbae5beae63"},
 {"Alex Nutsack",        "a52c4ef2c82e00025191375eadfea1e28b6389ab6091f1ab66e7549d1edef2f3"},
 {"Brian Skidmore",      "62a39df87b501ad40b6fc145820756ccedcab952c64626968e83ccbae5beae63"},
 {"Rose Cox",            "62a39df87b501ad40b6fc145820756ccedcab952c64626968e83ccbae5beae63"},
 {"Barbara Lastname",    "62a39df87b501ad40b6fc145820756ccedcab952c64626968e83ccbae5beae63"},
 {"Dora Smartass",       "cbe6beb26479b568e5f15b50217c6c83c0ee051dc4e522b9840d8e291d6aaf46"}

And that should illustrate exactly why salt is an important thing to use. You'll notice that the same string always hashes to the same output. That's good, because that means we have a simple way to compare passwords later. But. If a lot of your users use the same password5, then someone who guesses what hash algorithm you're using can easily run a [rainbow table]( against the hashes they found to guess large chunks of the plaintexts.

That is not good. And it's precisely the problem that salt is meant to solve. The important part of a salt is that it's unique6. Some people like it to be cryptographically secure, but I don't think it has to be. You're trying to avoid the situation where cracking one password gets your attacker access to more than one account. Do note that "unique" means "really, truly, globally unique". As in, don't just set a padded counter starting from 1, because different instances of your system will have some identical salt values. Also, obviously, don't just use a single salt value per server because that would defeat the purpose almost entirely. It needs to be different per secret, which means we need to change it out when a user changes their password too.

Just to drive the point home, if you use a single salt-value per user, the hashes above will look like

[{"John Douchebag",      "a26d44677573d3dfdfe116dc46979ce7ff00d9877a05d59158e74d2cf955400c"},
 {"Jane Douchebag",      "a26d44677573d3dfdfe116dc46979ce7ff00d9877a05d59158e74d2cf955400c"},
 {"Dave Foobar",         "a26d44677573d3dfdfe116dc46979ce7ff00d9877a05d59158e74d2cf955400c"},
 {"Alex Nutsack",        "0f751ddd05eb211a8300254701dce2ea045805e39113a821a10adf747243fc27"},
 {"Brian Skidmore",      "a26d44677573d3dfdfe116dc46979ce7ff00d9877a05d59158e74d2cf955400c"},
 {"Rose Cox",            "a26d44677573d3dfdfe116dc46979ce7ff00d9877a05d59158e74d2cf955400c"},
 {"Barbara Lastname",    "a26d44677573d3dfdfe116dc46979ce7ff00d9877a05d59158e74d2cf955400c"},
 {"Dora Smartass",       "fc5edff6668c8678f4c242cdea531cfd8883add17072e7ff1db76ea21952504b"}

It means that it's slightly harder to crack one of your passwords7, but if a password is cracked, your attacker still has the benefit of compromising the complete set of users that have that same password.

The absolute simplest, most brain-dead way to generate salt is to run an operation per password that looks something like

make_salt() -> binary_to_list(crypto:rand_bytes(32)).


And that may actually be going overboard by about 16 bytes. Calling make_salt/0 will return something like [239,97,166,69,1,8,19,68,253,82,111,74,152,123,103,164,209,44,92,246,177,60,38,201,107,116,72,219,82,204,49], which we then concatenate with a password in order to make the world a slightly better place for people who use passwords like P@ssword123.

On reflection, this may not be a good thing, but it does make our user system one increment better. We now need to store salt for each user, and use it in our hashing step when comparing and storing passwords. So.

salt(Salt, String) -> sha256:encode(lists:append(Salt, String)).

auth(Username, Password) ->
    Pid = self(),
    Auth = fun() -> User = find(Username),
                    true = salt(User#user.salt, Password) =:= User#user.password,
                    Pid ! User
    AuthProc = spawn(Auth),
        User -> exit(AuthProc, thank_you),
                {User#user.username, User#user.timestamp}
    after 2000 ->

handle_call({register, Username, Password}, _From, State) ->
    false = exists_p(Username),
    Salt = make_salt(),
    User = #user{username=Username, password=salt(Salt, Password), salt=Salt, timestamp=now()},
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User) end), State};
handle_call({change_pass, Username, NewPassword}, _From, State) ->
    User = find(Username),
    Salt = make_salt(),
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User#user{password=salt(Salt, NewPassword), salt=Salt}) end), State}.

Now that we have effective, per-password salt going, that potentially leaked table looks a bit different.

[{"John Douchebag",
 {"Jane Douchebag",
 {"Dave Foobar",
 {"Alex Nutsack",
 {"Brian Skidmore",
 {"Rose Cox",
 {"Barbara Lastname",
 {"Dora Smartass",

Even if the attacker gets each user's salt as in the above example, check out the password hashes.


The important part here is that even though 6 of those 8 users use the same passwords, there's no way to find that out based on just the hashes. Meaning that the theoretical attacker here would actually have to crack the password of every account they want access to. Granted, it's still easier to guess a password like "P@ssword123" than a passphrase generated in the correct horse style, but our system is still more secure for having these small steps.

Just to bring it all together, the final code for a proper, salted, hashing user/password system is


-export([start/0, stop/0]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
         terminate/2, code_change/3]).

-record(user,{username, password, salt, timestamp}).
-export([register/2, auth/2, change_password/2, list/0]).

list() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, list).

register(Username, Password) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {register, Username, Password}).

auth(Username, Password) ->
    Pid = self(),
    Auth = fun() -> User = find(Username),
                    true = salt(User#user.salt, Password) =:= User#user.password,
                    Pid ! User
    AuthProc = spawn(Auth),
        User -> exit(AuthProc, thank_you),
                {User#user.username, User#user.timestamp}
    after 2000 ->

change_password(Username, NewPassword) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {change_pass, Username, NewPassword}).

handle_call(list, _From, State) ->
    {reply, do(qlc:q([{X#user.username, X#user.timestamp} || X <- mnesia:table(user)])), State};
handle_call({register, Username, Password}, _From, State) ->
    Res = case exists_p(Username) of
              false -> Salt = make_salt(),
                       User = #user{username=Username, password=salt(Salt, Password), salt=Salt, timestamp=now()},
                       transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User) end);
              _ -> already_exists
    {reply, Res, State}
handle_call({change_pass, Username, NewPassword}, _From, State) ->
    User = find(Username),
    Salt = make_salt(),
    {reply, transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(User#user{password=salt(Salt, NewPassword), salt=Salt}) end), State}.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% database utility
make_salt() -> binary_to_list(crypto:rand_bytes(32)).

salt(Salt, String) -> sha256:encode(lists:append(Salt, String)).

exists_p(Username) ->
        error:_ -> false

find(Name) ->
    [Rec] = do(qlc:q([X || X <- mnesia:table(user), X#user.username =:= Name])),

do(Q) -> transaction(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end).

transaction(F) ->
    {atomic, Val} = mnesia:transaction(F),

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% generic actions
start() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gen_server handlers
init([]) -> {ok, []}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.

The pseudocode differences are minute, to be sure,

def register(username, password):
    store(username, salt(s, password), timestamp(), s)

def auth(username, entered_password):
        if user = find(username) and user.password == salt(user.s, entered_password):
            user.except(password, salt)
            wait(2, :seconds)

def change_pass(username, new_password):
    store(find(username).password = salt(s, new_password), s)

def salt(s, string):
    secure_hash(s + string)

but they make for a more robust password-based system. Granted, that's still like being really, really good at arguing on the internet, but baby steps.

Github here, if you want to play around with it.

EDIT: The link above no longer exists. All features from this library have been folded into auth (there have been changes since this post was written, so it's not exactly the same codebase, but the principles are the same) Thu, 30 Aug, 2012

For next time, I'll be putting together an extension to this that does public-key-based auth, (as well as passwords for the normies).

  1. Such as MD5 and SHA1. Note that using these, for example, in the way that git does isn't a huge deal, since that's merely supposed to be a consistency check and not a security feature.
  2. As long as the herd isn't demonstrably wrong, of course.
  3. Which is available through setuptools.
  4. Hello from 2016. I still haven't learned how to use Rebar. The fragility and annoyance of packaging a system in Erlang has successfully kept me away from the language for something like four years at this point, and I honestly don't feel the need to go back. If I end up absolutely needing to do some complicated setup trash work, I'll very probably throw the time at figuring out nix together with Standard ML.
  5. And while this is an exaggerated example, you would be very surprised at how many people pick worse on a regular basis.
  6. By the way, salt does not have to be secret. You can keep it in the same table as your passwords, and you shouldn't be particularly worried if someone finds out which salt goes with which password. Well, no more worried than if they just got a hold of your hashed passwords.
  7. How much harder depends on what salt you use.
  8. If you're particularly obsessive, use crypto:strong_rand_bytes/1 instead. The only difference is that the strong_ variant gets some of its randomness from OS provided entropy, but it may also periodically hand you back a low_entropy error instead of a random byte string.

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